Exploring Creativity: The Art of Jewelry Design
Welcome to the third blog!
This Friday, May 10th, I will tell you where my creativity comes from, my inspiration, and how I connect with the stones I work with. In past blogs we have already talked about chakras, meditation, being in the present, and the energies that surround us. This time we are going to bring these topics together and how they help me create these pieces of art.
Starting with what exactly is creativity?
We are all unique beings, and our ideas, thoughts, and experiences are not the same. Creativity is our way of interpreting the world around us, what we feel, what we observe, even what we don't understand. Creativity is valued for many reasons, it is what starts the sparks of revolutions, both artistic and social, even just within ourselves. Some paint, others sing and write, some create new ways of thinking by philosophizing. We are all inspired in different ways. Like with sunsets, sadness, and love. Sometimes inspiration comes for no reason at all, or so it seems. Believe it or not, creativity is not a talent or an aptitude. It is not learned either.
So where does creativity come from?
It comes from you, and all you have to do is let it out, unblock your mind and soul from what doesn't let you live in the present and just exist. If you want to know how to be in the present and let go of the weights that follow you day after day, click here.
Creating doesn't mean perfection, or speed, or following a script. It's a process that is as unique as you. Every time you create something, even if you don't like it, you've achieved something that no one else has done before. Meditating daily is the way I unlock my mind and heart and begin to make art with silver and living stones. My yoga practice helps me connect with my body, my spirit, and the world I live in, with this life of mine. Every time I practice being present, breathing, and just existing in the moment, it's easier to get inspired and create.
Over time I have realized that my greatest inspiration is paintings, artists like Diego Velasquez, Vincent Van Gogh and Gustav Klimt who have inspired three of my collections, the most recent being Gustav Klimt. With even more time I understood why, because of my father, my brothers, my husband and son, I have a history and a present of artists in my family. All so creative in their own way. My father would talk and read about these painters and tell me their stories. Then he would paint his interpretation of those works. That is where my bond with painting artists was born.
I am also inspired by spirituality, stones and their energies, universal symbols of protection, strength, self-love and many more. Nature and how everything is connected. Nature gives us wisdom in subtle ways.
It's like when you see an unknown bird and it's like time stops and it's you and this being and you have a moment just for the two of you. A beautiful moment between two beings, so ephemeral and special that it surprises you and gives you something you needed. Like a pause in your day, an idea, or simply the opportunity to observe something beautiful.
I LOVE ANIMAL TOTEMS . The totem refers to your power animal. This is how I connect with them as with plants, they are also my source of inspiration.
I tell you that, as totems, birds symbolize the air, they are light beings and represent the air, they remind us of the importance of breathing.
Each bird carries a different message, for example, in this piece of carnelian in my shop, I see a cardinal. A bright red bird with a strong character that represents vitality, renewed energy and family. Maybe you see another bird that you remember. Maybe a robin that represents creativity, family and growth.
Now we put that together with the stone in this pendant, carnelian. A stone that also helps us with vitality, confidence, creativity and courage.
What bird does this piece remind you of? If you are interested in this piece, you can find it here on my website. Or come and see it in person, try how it makes you feel, tell me about it, let's talk about how this totem could be for you.
See you soon!
Tatiana Cruz